Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The Order shall constitute an offer by the Client to purchase the Services in accordance with these

Terms. The Client shall ensure that the terms of the Order and any relevant specifications are complete

and correct. The order will be considered accepted only when the Company starts providing the

service after receiving the order, the contract will come into force. The Agreement shall constitute the

entire agreement between the Company to provide the Services to the Client in accordance with these

Terms and the Client’s purchase of those Services. The Client may object to any statement, promise or

statement made by the Company which is not specified in the Agreement.

These terms and conditions can only be changed by communication between the company and the

client by email or phone call.

The following terms and conditions apply to the client receiving digital marketing services provided

by ProAdman Digital:


It is not necessary for any client to have signed an acceptance of these terms and conditions for them

to apply. If a client accepts a quote and offer, then the client will be deemed to have satisfied

themselves as to the terms applying and have accepted these terms and conditions in full.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Any purchase or use of our services implies that you

have read and accepted our terms and conditions.


Charges for services to be provided by ProAdman Digital are defined in the project and proposal that

the client receives via e-mail or over the phone. proposals are valid for the period of ads promotion.

ProAdman Digital reserves the right to change the Ads price after expiry of ads promotion.

Client Review:

ProAdman Digital will provide the client with an opportunity to review the services and coordination

after the services are provided. At the completion of the ad project or product promotions, such

services will be deemed to be accepted and approved unless the client notifies ProAdman Digital

within 3 days.

Information Security:

ProAdman Digital will provide services Like Ads campaign, product promotion, Facebook marketing

specified in the project proposal. They keep the content secret and provide higher security about the

client’s information. ProAdman Digital is committed to protecting and respecting client’s privacy,

including any personal information and business information you may choose to provide us.


ProAdman Digital may assign its rights and duties under this agreement to any party at any time

without notice to you.

Company Obligation and Warranties:

The company confirms that it will provide the services as of the proposal using reasonable

care and skill to conform in all material respects with the specification. The Company shall

have the right to make any changes to the services which are necessary to comply with any

applicable law.

Clients Obligations and Indemnities:

The client shall provide assistance and technical information to the Company, as reasonably

required by the company in sufficient time to facilitate the execution of an order in

accordance with any estimated delivery dates or milestones. The client shall have sole

responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of all information provided to the Company.


Payment is required on an agreement basis, but payment terms are usually negotiated with

customers via email or phone before running digital marketing ads. Services will not be

provided without payment to the customers.

The client shall pay all amounts due under the agreement in full without any deduction or

withholding except as required by law and the client shall not be entitled to assert any credit,

set-off or counterclaim against the Company.

Delays and Complaints:

If there is any complaint by the client that the services are delayed as per the contract,

ProAdman Digital will verify the truth of the complaint through its own team and will be

obliged to remedy or redistribute within 3 working days if the delay is delayed without any

reason. If the Services continue to perform in accordance with the Agreement after

reasonable efforts have been made to remedy the same, the Agreement shall continue without


If the Client fails to make a proper complaint to the Company within a short period of time,

the Client shall be deemed to have accepted the Services and shall not be entitled to claim

any remedy based on delay or breach of contract.


The company shall have no liability to the client for any loss or damage whatsoever arising

from or in connection with the provision of the services or for any claim made against the

client by any third party.

The company shall have no liability for any losses or damages which may be suffered by the

client whether the same are suffered directly or indirectly or are immediate or consequential

which fall into the following categories:

● Any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in relation to the

contract even though the Company was aware of the circumstances in

which such loss could arise;

● Loss of profits; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business

opportunity or goodwill;

● Loss of data and fraudulent clicks on any of the Client’s accounts

managed by the Company

Other Limitations of Liability:

Company shall not be responsible for any downtime, hacking, viruses, defects of third-party

software, search engines or websites on which a service is dependent or other providers from

third parties.

The company shall not be responsible for any changes in domain name, website, links,

technical setup etc. Made by the client or third parties appointed by the client without notice

and affecting the services provided by the company.

Intellectual Property Rights:

The copyright of the proposal and related correspondence belongs to the Company. The client

agrees not to disclose the proposal and related correspondence to any third party.

The client shall be responsible for ensuring that the contents of materials which the client has

contributed or approved are not in contravention of legislation, decency, marketing rules or

any other third-party rights. The company shall be entitled to reject and delete such material

without incurring any liability. In addition, the company shall be entitled to cancel the order.

The client shall indemnify the company against all damages, losses and expenses suffered or

incurred by the company as a result of the materials which the client has contributed or

approved being in contravention of legislation, decency, marketing rules.

Confidentiality and Business Data:

Both parties shall keep all technical or commercial documents, information strictly

confidential. Information, documents, business processes of a confidential nature shall not be

disclosed to other parties and the Company’s employees, agents or subcontractors shall

maintain confidentiality in this regard.

If the Company violates these Terms, the other party will sue for breach of the Terms. The

company, in case of violation of the terms and conditions, shall compensate the damages

caused by the violation.

The Client shall be liable to the Company for any damages incurred by the Company as a

result of the processing of personal data in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 or the

Marketing Act and incidental costs of legal proceedings.

Entire Agreement:

The parties agree that the execution of the New Agreement shall supersede any prior

agreement between the parties, whether orally or in writing, subject to the consent of both

parties. Facilitates formation of complete agreement between company and client related to

these services.

Force Majeure:

Neither party shall be held liable for a Force Majeure Event. If a party believes that a Force

Majeure Event has occurred, such party shall immediately inform the other party of the start

and end of the Force Majeure Event.


The Client agrees that the Company may change the Terms and Conditions and any relevant

policies and standards by giving notice of the change to the Client.


Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by email or phone call to the other

party. The contract will provide for a fixed term commitment to perform, which will be automatically

renewed unless either party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the contract at the end of the

contract period. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding for the benefit of the parties hereto.


Fees paid for Digital services are non-refundable and the Company will refund the fees paid

in advance after showing proper cause. Once payment or deposit is made it is non-refundable.

If a project is canceled or postponed, all monies paid will be refunded to the client unless any

monies have been spent on digital services. As far as the money is spent, the remaining

money will be used in a new project or handed over to the client.

Dispute Resolution:

The parties hereto agree that any and all disputes, controversies or claims including disputes relating

to the existence or validity of the agreement, to be resolved between the parties arising out of or

relating to this agreement by negotiation.


Publications, products, content or services referenced herein or on our website are the

exclusive trademarks or service marks of ProAdman Digital. Other company names

mentioned in our website are the trademarks of their respective owners.


The terms set out below shall have the following meanings when used throughout these terms

and conditions:

● Agreement means these terms and conditions and the Quotation

● Client means the party specified as the Client in the Quotation

● Client Provided Materials means any materials, data, specifications or other

information supplied by the Client to ProAdman Digital in connection with the

Services, including (but not limited to) the Client’s website

● Confidential information means any non-public or proprietary information concerning

either party’s business, financial information, strategies, methods or processes

● Fees mean the fees specified in the Quotation

● Force Majeure Event means an event beyond the control of the parties and that could

not be avoided by the exercise of due care and diligence, including without limitation

acts of God, inclement weather, government actions, industrial actions, acts of

terrorism or war; Intellectual Property means all intellectual property rights, whether

registered or not, and whether capable of registration or not, anywhere, including

without limitation: a) rights in respect of or in connection with (including rights to

apply for the registration of) any copyright, patents, petty patents, inventions,

trademarks, service marks, design rights or eligible layout rights; b) know-how,

processes, business plans and concepts; and c) Confidential Information